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  • Writer's pictureQigen Lin

Exploring China's 2023 Economic Growth Through Shopping and Travel Trends

In 2023, the Chinese economy is expected to be around $17.5 trillion, making it the third-largest economy in the world. That’s a lot of money! It’s safe to say that China’s future growth and prosperity are heavily dependent on how its economy performs. Knowing how China’s economy will look like in 2023 is vital for foreign investors, international organizations, and individuals who want to plan their business accordingly. While predicting the Chinese economy is not easy, it’s not impossible either. In this blog post, we’ll be exploring the key drivers of China’s economic growth in 2023 as well as its challenges. We shall also touch upon some ways you can benefit from knowing about China’s growth trajectory in the coming years.

"Exploring the vibrant landscape of consumer trends and embracing the allure of this vast nation"



What are the top shopping and travel trends in China in 2023?

According to the Hurun Chinese Luxury Consumer Survey 2023, Chinese High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI) are increasingly interested in overseas education, travel, and fine dining. China Travel Retail Market is expected to grow in value (USD Billion) over the next few years. Millennials are driving Modern Family Travel as they prefer to travel with their family. This has influenced travel companies to innovate and develop unique products for families.

Digitalization has given rise Hurun a wider range of choice and customization possibilities as compared to previous years. The surge in interest for travel is also fueled by an uptick in e-commerce and other digital modes of payment across the nation. In terms of fine dining, high-end travelers are looking for authentic local cuisines that offer complex flavors and adventurous dishes. The consumption of healthy food among millenial consumers is also increasing globally, which is contributing to the growth of the nutraceutical market in China as well.

Understanding Key Drivers of China's Economic Growth

China is poised to see an uptick in business travel in 2023 compared to 2022, according to the Global Business Travel Association. Preference for sustainable tourism, knowledge of quarantine-on-arrival policies, and changing travel behavior are key insights from the Chinese Traveler Sentiment Report for December 2022. The travel retail market in China is forecast to grow significantly in the coming years. According to research firm eMarketer, spending on travel retail will increase by 11.3% per year through 2021. This growth is largely due to a rise in e-commerce shopping as well as an increase in tourists spending money on travel-related items.

Chinese travelers have plans to travel more in 2023 than in previous years, as per the Chinese Traveler Sentiment Report for January 2023. This optimism can be attributed to favorable weather conditions and increased domestic travel opportunities that have been created by recent policy changes such as the opening up of more domestic airports and more affordable airfares.

Assessing Challenges Facing the Chinese Economy in 2023

Businesses in China face a difficult road ahead as the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and other economic headwinds continue to be felt. Investors in China need to be aware of the major taxes and regulations that apply to their business. Chinese travelers are likely to have changed their travel preferences and behavior due to the pandemic. Experienced, independent Chinese travelers are likely to have different travel intentions than before the pandemic.

The quarantine-on-arrival policy in China is likely to have an impact on the economy. Migrations within China however, are not affected by the disease as much as a few years ago. The government has taken measures such as increasing vaccination rates and improving hygiene practices. However, it is still too early to assess its impact on tourism.

The negative effect of COVID can be seen from a drop in domestic travel demand as overseas travelers cancel trips and stay home. As well, tourists booking trips are opting for cheaper options like non-maternity flights. This trend is expected to continue till COVID is declared over.

Exploring China's 2023 Economic Growth

China is expected to experience an uptick in travel in 2023 as international destination re-openings are anticipated. The tourism market in China has been showing signs of recovery with global markets and domestic travelers have been spending more on outbound trips. In a recent survey of mainland Chinese travelers, the most popular outbound destinations for 2023 are domestic, followed by Southeast Asian countries, with Japan and South Korea coming in third place. This is especially true for domestic travelers who have shown a penchant for long-term planning.

The outbound travel market in China is expected to be buoyed by the growing middle class and an emerging global focus on eco-tourism. Additionally, Chinese travelers will look to gain knowledge and experience from their travel destinations as consumer confidence increases.

Analyzing the Impact of Shopping and Travel on the Chinese Economy

The Chinese travel retail market is estimated to be worth USD Billion in 2023. Shopping and travel trends during the 2023 Chinese New Year period showed a recovery in consumption, due to the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions from December. This implies that people are likely to spend more as they celebrate the occasion by shopping for fashion and accessories, jewelry, watches, wine and spirits, food and confectionery items, fragrances and cosmetics, tobacco products. The online retailers and travel platforms have seen a marked uptick in purchases of goods, services, and travel tickets over the previous year. In terms of product type, fashion and accessories accounted for the largest share (approximate 38% in 2017), followed by jewelry (18%) and watches (16%). The share of fashion and accessories grew at a faster rate compared to the others over the last three years as consumers have become more adventurous with their choice of outfits. This demand was driven by factors such as growing influence of international fashion trends on local markets. As far as distribution channel is concerned, airports took the lion's share (approximate 54%), followed by airlines (22%) and ferries (10%). Airports continue to be an important mode of distribution as it offers consumers access to global destinations as well as cheaper airfares compared to other modes of transportation. Besides, it has a huge customer base with many travelers booking flights online.

Examining Opportunities for Investment in China's Travel Retail Market

In the Travel & Tourism industry, the demand for travel retail is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.6% from 2015-2027, as more tourists prefer shopping and booking travel-related products online. This market is estimated to reach a value of US$218.1 billion by 2023. The Hotels segment is likely to be the largest revenue generator in the Travel & Tourism industry with an estimated market volume of US$78.1 billion in 2023. Reasons for its dominance include growing tourism and travel trends and prominence of e-commerce as well as increasing expenditure on international travel. Furthermore, companies are promoting, differentiating, and selling limited editions to increase their visibility and brand awareness in the market. These steps have helped travelers connect with exclusivity, thus increasing purchase intent and loyalty. The market offers opportunities for investment in Fashion and Accessories, Jewelry and Watches, Wine & Spirits, Food & Confectionery, Fragrances and Cosmetics, Tobacco, and Other products. As this industry continues to evolve rapidly, investors can look forward to lucrative business opportunities (EOS).

Analyzing the Impact of COVID-19 on Shopping and Travel in China

The world's second-largest economy, China, has recovered from the global pandemic effect of the H1N1 virus more quickly compared to other nations. This is due to its rapid economic growth over the past few decades, as well as its heavy investment in healthcare and prevention measures. This recovery has led to noticeable revenue transactions in the travel and tourism industry as well. The COVID-19 outbreak in 2020 caused a significant dip in revenues for travel retail companies. However, with the lifting of restrictions, travel and consumption have seen a rebound amid increased demand. This shift is evidenced by online marketplaces recording an increase in purchases of goods, services and travel tickets in January 2019. The recovery signals a positive start to the Year of the Rabbit for China and its economy.

Forecasting the Future of Shopping and Travel in China

In a market analysis, Globetrender Ltd. forecasts that the Travel Retail Market will have a CAGR of 12% between 2016-2028. This is supported by the fact that Chinese travelers are increasingly engaging in international travel and spending on travel-related products is steadily increasing. A December 2022 survey by Dragon Trail Research revealed the preferences and behavior of Chinese travelers as well as opinions about quarantine-on-arrival policies. This showed that travelers are willing to pay more for sustainable travel choices, such as eco-friendly and fair trade products. Besides, people are likely to leave destinations in better shape after their visits.

The growing middle class and the rise in disposable income will drive the growth of travel retail market in China. Forecasting the future of shopping and travel trends in China is vital for businesses looking to capitalize on this lucrative market with its vast potential.

Why explore China's economy in detail?

The China Travel Retail Market is expected to continue to grow from 2019-2028, making it a lucrative area of investment. China was the world's most important source of international travelers in the years before Covid, with 155 million tourists spending more than a quarter of a trillion dollars outside its borders.

Currently, there are over 2,000 retail travel agencies operating in China. These travel agencies have been witnessing a steady rise in the number of travelers as well as their spending capacity. It has become an important channel for them to earn revenue. Travel agencies have also started offering booking and other services for domestic and foreign travelers via the Internet. This has given them an incredible scope to expand their business horizons.

What will be the biggest shopping and tourism trends in China in 2023?

Shopping and travel trends in China in 2023 are expected to be driven by the country’s economic growth. As the Chinese economy grows, the shopping-and-travel industry is expected to experience a surge in outbound tourism spending. The tourism market will also grow with increased consumer spending. In terms of fashion and accessories, sectors such as finance, insurance, professional services and consulting will experience a growth in business travel spending. Apart from that, travel trends such as wine and spirits, food and confectionery, fragrances and cosmetics are likely to be popular as people tend to spend more on these items as they are trendy and trending. Also, sectors like finance, insurance, professional services, and consulting are likely to be beneficiaries of the boom in e-commerce.

Opportunities for foreign investors in China's retail and tourism markets

The Chinese travel and tourism market is expected to reach US$154.10bn in 2023 with an annual growth rate of 9.07%. The industry has seen a lot of popularity as it offers myriad opportunities to businesses, especially in the finance, insurance, professional services, and consulting sectors.

In terms of travel, China's domestic tourism market has grown at a CAGR of 7-8% over the past decade, which is very impressive. This is largely because of its unique culture, natural beauty, and economic opportunities. Also, the country has many popular tourist destinations like Beijing and Shanghai that entice tourists from around the world.

As for international travel, China has become an increasingly popular destination for adventure travelers and honeymooners. Besides, its numerous ports provide easy access to various parts of the world. While Chinese outbound air passengers per month averaged 12 million in 2019, this figure fell 95% during the Covid years due to stringent safety measures taken by airlines.

Implications of China's growth for the global economy

China's growth is a driving force for the global economy as it accounts for more than a quarter of global GDP. Its travel and tourism industry has become a major contributor to the economy, accounting for 8% of China's GDP and contributing 1.7% to global GDP. Chinese travellers are subject to Anti-Viral Arrival protocols in some countries due to the pandemic, which has led to an increase in demand for travel-related products as well as services.

Chinese tourists have been estimated to be worth over $600 billion in annual spending, and with an increasing middle-class population, there is expected to be an increase in luxury travel and hospitality. High-earners are expected to look for lavish experiences and round-the-world adventures, as per reports from GBTA. This will also boost the demand for travel-related products and services by businesses across sectors.

What you can do to prepare for China's economic growth in the future

The China’s economic growth has been on a steady rise in the last few decades with exponential growth of its GDP. Currently, the Chinese economy is expected to reach $10 trillion by 2021, as per IMF estimates. It is a large economy and will continue to be one of the fastest-growing economies over the next few years. Thus, it is important for everyone to be aware of its current and future trends.

However, there are certain factors that can affect the outlook of the country's economy. For instance, foreign trade tensions can put a dent on global trade, which in turn affects domestic demand as well. Similarly, volatile equity markets could also dampen consumer confidence and trigger a negative spiral in the economy.

Another factor that determines economic growth is demographics as the aging population can have an effect on economic growth as people go out for work or quit jobs to retire. Thus, forecasting how China's economy will grow over the years is crucial for everyone to understand.

Hospitality providers must keep up with changing family dynamics as vacation habits change due to factors like lifestyle changes or longer life expectancy. Providers must also understand modern family travel trends and cater to them accordingly. Previous tactics such as issuing consumption vouchers have had limited success in stimulating consumer spending and new efforts are needed as an efficient strategy to boost domestic demand and economic growth in China.

In January 2023, restrictions on international travel between countries were relaxed significantly allowing travelers more freedom in choosing their destinations. Hence, search volumes of popular international destinations increased tenfold during this period thus indicating a positive trend for tourism sector as well. You can follow current trends to get prepared for China's economic growth in the future as well.

Be aware of possible currency fluctuations

The Chinese economy is expected to rebound following the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions and the lifting of trade sanctions with the US in 2023. With this rebound, there is potential for currency fluctuations as citizens spend more money on travel and leisure activities. The Chinese New Year period of 2023 saw an influx of consumer spending across a wide range of industries, indicating a positive sign of consumer optimism and increased spending power. It is important for travelers to be prepared for possible currency fluctuations when planning a trip to or from China. It is best to budget in advance for the costs associated with traveling to and from China, including the cost of converting currencies and packing required items. Plus, it is important to be flexible with your travel plans when traveling to or from China, as economic conditions may change rapidly.

Invest in a quality travel insurance policy

China's Travel Retail Market is expected to generate USD 18 billion in 2021 and continue growing at a CAGR of 10% over the forecast period. The market will be driven by the increasing demand for inbound and outbound tourism as well as an increase in corporate travel spending. In addition to this, China is investing heavily in its travel retail industry to attract tourists and make it a profitable industry. In order to support this growth, companies are sending more employees on trips and travel suppliers anticipate an increase in corporate travel spending in 2023. This growth can be attributed to the rising consumer demand for travel services as well as the increasing popularity of foreign destinations. China's Travel Retail Market is poised for rapid growth over the next few years due to its diverse market characteristics and strong demand from both domestic and international travelers.

Make the most of your time in China by shopping and sightseeing early

China's economy is projected to grow at a rapid pace in the coming years, creating significant opportunities for tourists and shoppers in the country. The economy is projected to continue growing at a rate of over 6% in 2020 and 7.5% in 2021, creating significant employment opportunities for those interested in working or studying in China. Shopping and sightseeing in China can be fun and educational, and can help you learn about the country's history and culture. If you plan to visit China in the near future, be sure to prepare by understanding the shopping and travel trends that are expected to occur. Planning ahead, you can ensure that you make the most of your time in China.

Travel during China's off-peak season to avoid overcrowding and high prices

When travelers are looking to visit China, the off-peak season can be a good choice. This is because it allows travelers to avoid overcrowded and high prices. If you travel during the off-peak season, you can take advantage of promotional deals offered by travel retail companies. You could also shop at overseas duty-free shops for luxury goods at a lower price. Besides, during the off-peak season, you could save money on luxury goods by avoiding promotion or discounts. Thus, travelers can choose the best time to visit China based on their individual interests and needs.

Consider using Chinese renminbi when making purchases in China

China's economy is booming and is expected to continue growing at a fast pace in the future. As a result, the Chinese currency, the renminbi, has become increasingly valuable over the past few years. This means that it has become increasingly costly to purchase goods and services in China. To prepare for this, it's important to use Chinese renminbi when making purchases in the country. This will allow you to avoid paying high foreign exchange rates. Instead, you can save money by using the local currency for your purchases. It's also a good idea to consider doing some research before visiting China so that you know what items or services cost in local currency. This will enable you to make informed spending decisions and save money while visiting the country.


Travel and tourism are growing industries in China as well as in other parts of the world. As with any industry, there are ups and downs, but it is essential to stay informed to be prepared. Travelers can plan their trips based on various shopping and entertainment options that are trending in certain cities as well as use online booking portals to save time and effort.

With the right planning and research, travelers can easily find popular travel destinations, as well as get a feel for what to expect when visiting the place. This will help them make informed choices and travel more comfortably. It is essential to stay updated on the latest trends in travel and tourism while traveling.


Frequently Asked Questions:

What are the leading shopping and travel trends in China?

According to Globetrender's 2023 Travel Trend Forecast, the leading shopping and travel trends in China for the year 2023 are as follows:

1. China is experiencing a rebound in consumption and travel following the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions in December. This has caused shoppers and tourists to flock to China in search of cheaper prices and more accessible destinations. 2. Millennial LGBTQ+ parents are giving rise to Modern Family Travel - a trend where LGBTQ+ families travel together as a unit. This reflects a growing acceptance of diversity throughout China, as well as an increasing demand for inclusive travel experiences. 3. Trends such as China Boom, Rebel Spending, Dry-Cations, and Indigenous Appreciation have all been identified by the forecasting firm as being on the rise in China in the year 2023.

These factors reflect how Chinese consumers are striving for new experiences and seeking out adventure travel, luxury relaxation, healthy living communities, and food experiences that are different from what they are used to.

What are some of the unique benefits to traveling to China in the year 2023?

What are some of the key precautions that should be taken when traveling to China?

How can individuals stay updated with the latest shopping and travel trends in China?

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